Anchor to mixed-use development

With developments globally becoming less singular and more mixed-use in their makeup, the risk of duplication is clear – a sea of proposed schemes comprising of a mix of residential and office space, augmented by a retail element that increasingly features leisure.
At the same time, an ever-more digitally engaged audience is increasingly difficult to tear away from their screens and homes, whether for work or leisure. As such, the pressure on developers and investors is understandable – what is the unique proposition that differentiates my scheme and makes it worthy of the investment of time and funds vs. so many other similar opportunities?
This is where the role of the anchor is clear – the easy to understand, central concept that captures the imagination and aligns investor, developer, occupier and user to a view that this scheme has a tangible rationale to be and a greater chance for success.
Whilst the choice of anchor type will vary dependent on a range of factors, the role of the anchor is always the same – to be the difference-maker that identifies a scheme and allows for a belief that retailers, workers and residents will choose to live work and visit there, over and above other options.
The following document provides examples of anchor assets and the categorisation that allows the reason for their selection and success to become apparent, and can aid in generating the ideas and concepts that will differentiate the best schemes to come.
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